I chose this photo because Little Red Riding Hood has always been depicted wearing a RED cape over her small and vulnerable frame. Some have come to see this colored cape to represent sin. Little Red Riding Hood does go against her mother's wishes in more ways than one. She not only talks to a DANGEROUS stranger, but tells him where she is going. Then she stops for a while to pick flowers when she was suppose to specifically go to her Grandmother's house. This story shows children that simple directions are made for a reason. Disobeying one's parent's can lead to the death of a family member or death of one's self.
I like the black and white illustration because it gives Little Red Riding Hood a second chance. She can still obey her mother, ignore the wolf, and go straight to her Grandmother's house. She most likely will not. If she ignores the wolf, what kind of fairy tale would that be? BORING, that's what kind.
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